If you hold an Unlimited Home Builders License, you are qualified to engage in residential roofing and DO NOT need a Roofers License. If you hold a Limited Home Builders License, you ARE required to get a Roofers License to engage in residential roofing.
Click on the appropriate item below for information on the documentation required for Board review in regards to credit issues: Bankruptcy Collection(s) or Child Support Judgment(s) or Lien(s) All documentation must be returned to the Board office no later than 7 days prior to the Board meeting date of the application’s review.
No. The law regulating residential home builders does not address insurance. However, insurance may be required under other state laws. You should contact the Department of Labor for more information regarding insurance requirements.
The Board does not offer training classes or study materials. However, the Candidate Information Bulletin in the application packet provides basic information and references to study materials. Independent vendors will sometimes offer classes and study materials for the examination; if vendors provide the Board with information regarding the classes and study materials, the Board provides that information […]
If you are not sure whether a license is required for a particular job, please contact the Board’s office and ask to speak to someone in the Legal Division.
Yes. You must mail a signed, written request for a refund to the Board. Please note that the $100 processing fee is non-refundable.
If you hold a residential construction license in the States of Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, or North Carolina you may be exempt from the Skills section of the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board Exams, but are still required to take and pass the Business and Law section. If you hold a current and valid residential […]
Testing information, including testing sites and registration, is available at http://provexam.com/. (Please note that the Board does not administer testing and all questions regarding testing should be directed to the testing provider, Prov). To download your Candidate Information Bulletin that will answer all of your exam questions for the Alabama Home Builders exam, click here.
A test score is valid for three (3) years from the date of the test.
Processing of an application, including receipt of the application with required documentation, test scores and credit reports or bond information, and review by the Board takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks. Applications must be on file in the Board’s office and be deemed complete seven days prior to a scheduled meeting of the Board in […]