Yes. In the State of Alabama, one who engages in the construction of commercial or public properties where the cost of the undertaking including labor and materials is $50,000 or more and swimming pool construction of $5,000 or more is considered a General Contractor. A residential Home Builder is one who engages in the construction, remodeling, repair, improvement, or reimprovement of a residential structure where the cost of the undertaking including labor and materials exceeds $10,000, unless the work performed is not within the jurisdiction of the Board.
Anyone holding a General Contractor License issued prior to the passing of the statute that brought into being the Home Builders Licensure Board in 1992 may engage in residential construction. This would include ONLY General Contractors License numbers from 1 to 18907. Anyone holding a General Contractors License with a license number of 18908 or higher MUST hold a Home Builders License to perform residential construction.
The statute is silent as to an age limit requirement. In order to follow the Board’s Rules and Regulations, a license holder must be old enough to enter into a contract with a homeowner. The statute in Alabama states that a person must be 19 years of age to enter into a contract.
The Home Builders Association of Alabama offers a sample home warranty to its members. If you are not a member, consult with your attorney to write a home warranty specifically for your contracts.