Renewal season is from October 1st until December 31st. All licensees and/or designated qualifying representatives for a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership under the age of 60 must obtain six (6) credit hours of Board approved continuing education before being issued a 2025 license.

  • At least two (2) credit hours each year must come from an Alabama specific course.

  • The providers have five days to notify the Board that continuing education is complete. (Keep copies of course completion certificates for your records.)


    • Military who were activated/deployed for 90 consecutive days during a licensure year
    • Licensee submitting renewal application for the first time.
    • Licensee experiencing a personal hardship (Must be approved by Continuing Education Committee).
    • Licensee who has taught continuing education approved by the Board. (See Continuing Education Policies and Procedures)
    • Inactive licensees. Six (6) hours continuing education must be completed to return to active status.
    • Licensees who will be 60 by October 1st.